Prolotherapy Austin - Why Should I Try Prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy Austin is a non-surgical method that uses injections of dextrose to treat chronic pain. These injections trigger the body's natural healing response, which in turn encourages the production of new collagen. These new collagen fibers help the body heal faster and form a protective barrier around the injured area. This treatment is beneficial for patients suffering from chronic knee or back pain, but it should only be used as a last resort.

The procedure is very effective, and it can be performed on various parts of the body. The process is performed in a doctor's office and can provide long-lasting pain relief. The treatment lasts anywhere from 30 minutes, from the prep to the actual injection. Because it involves an inflammatory process, prolotherapy is generally performed on patients who cannot tolerate surgery. This therapy is effective for various types of musculoskeletal pain. The injections are made by injecting biological stimulants into damaged areas. These chemicals trigger the repair of the damaged structure, resulting in stronger muscles and ligaments. This technique also improves joint function.

There are two different types of prolotherapy. One type is off-site treatment and another is in-office treatment. The off-site treatment is performed in a medical facility during regular office hours. You may experience slight bleeding during the procedure, but the discomfort associated with it is minimal. After the procedure, you may continue your normal daily routine. After the procedure, you can resume your normal routine. The off-site treatment is not recommended for third-party compensation, and you should consult your doctor if you're unsure about the safety of this type of procedure.

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